Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The arts

Our spate of cultured nights out to the opera did not stop at two.  After the Turk in Italy we went to see Carmen, the most famous of the operas we saw and this was followed the next week by La traviata.  La traviata might have been the lowest budget but they had a novel set design, involving laying the back drop canvas on the floor and suspending a large mirror over the stage.  A trick that worked really well for the big party scenes, but didn't quite work so well in the country house where the lead male actor looked like he was sleeping on the walls.  The opera season has now ended, so we will be returning to plain old musicals for future theatre excursions, the King and I, showboat and Guys and Dolls being just some that we are planning to see.

At the start of this year I set myself 5 seemingly unobtainable goals, and yet I have now completed one.  As a child I was always writing stories, but a life as a pharmacist following guidelines and evidence based medicine had pretty much killed my imagination.  I had an idea for a story or two buzzing around my head, but never found a way to get them out.  Then one day earlier this year inspiration struck, the first day back at work after white night, Cameron and I were having a conversation.  It started with a single phrase.

 "The Camerosaurus and the Peppermint princess made their way through the aftermath of the battle between the White knight and the peoples of Swanston"

And from here a whole story grew, and as of today the first draft is now complete.  Ironically enough this original phrase no longer features anywhere in the story.  Now begins the long and painful journey of editing, something I have never had that much patience with.

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