Thursday, October 10, 2013

Life goes on

Nine months ago I started taking Isoniazid to treat latent TB that was diagnosed after I started working at the Alfred hospital.  Today I took my very last dose, my liver is still intact, I still have complete feeling in all my peripheries and I can finally start to enjoy the pleasures of alcohol again.  But did the treatment work or do I still have latent TB?  The answer to that question is something I will never know, as I now have antibodies to the mycobacterium that causes TB I will always give a positive result to the Quantiferon Gold test.

With the mixed sunny/wet weather our garden is going crazy, with the lawn needing mowing almost every week, all 45 rose bushes coming into bloom and a never ending supply of limes.  We have even set up a small veggie patch at the back where we are growing 4 varieties of tomatoes, courgettes, spring onions, carrots and radishes, add this to the banana plant, rhubbarb, 2 chilli plants, peach tree, lemon tree, lime tree, passion fruit vine, cherry tree and plum tree we are well on the way to becoming self sufficient, at least in the way of fresh produce.

Barnadi is becoming increasingly addicted to Groupon, spotting deals for items he has never even thought about wanting before, and instantly realising he can't live without them.  It is not just items that Groupon sells, but tickets to events, activities and experiences.  It was on Groupon that Barnadi found a deal for a half day photo tour, which we both attended on a beautiful sunny Sunday.  Starting at Federation Square and ending along Southbank, the course covered all the basics in exposure. We both learnt a lot on the course and I have definitely noticed a change in the quality of both mine and Barnadi's photos.

With the financial security of having a permanent contract, and no longer needing to save every penny to put into a deposit on a house, Barnadi and I have started to exploit the cultural offerings that Melbourne provides, going to the theatre twice in the last week.  On Wednesday we went to watch the Graduate at her majesty's theatre, which was an unfortunate disappointment, much better was the Opera Cho Cho we went to see on Saturday at the Arts Centre.  Cho Cho is a collaborative piece sung in both Chinese and English, and is a reinvention of the classic opera Madam Butterfly.

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