Monday, June 23, 2014


The winter solstice brings the longest night, but also sees the return of the Light in Winter festival in Federation square.  This years centrepiece was an installation by UK architect Asif Kahn named radiant lines.  Also located around the square were home made shrines, totems and some creepy puppets by the Indonesian Papermoon Puppet theatre.  The solstice also marks the one year anniversary from our move to Bundoora.  It may have only been a year since we moved from Northcote to our house, but it feels like a lifetime ago.  Lodgers have been and gone and our two beautiful children arrived. 
Radiant Lines

Having children, even non-human children can become very stressful at times.  Poor Goofy took quite ill last week vomiting twice and loosing all appetite.  For a whole day he didn't eat a thing, but he was still drinking water and wasn't showing signs of dehydration so we didn't take him to the vet, but it was a close call.  By the next day he begun eating again, but only small amounts of plain rice.  He is now back to his normal naughty self, which although frustrating is a great relief.

Goofy is not the only one who has been sick.  Barnadi caught the flu very badly this year and had to take a whole week off work which is completely unheard of for him, he has now vowed to get the flu jab every year from now on.

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