Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Road to recovery

Jessie has been making an incredible recovery from her operation, the very next day she had begun eating and drinking again and more importantly purring again.  We took her cone off during the day so she could move about more easily, but put it back on at night to ensure she didn't have a go at her stitches while we weren't looking.  As the days went on she became more and more like her old self, her stitches remained in place and the wound appears to be healing nicely. 

A happy Jessie

Goofy on the other hand is getting increasingly frustrated with being kept separated from Jessie, but as much as he loves to play with her, he plays too rough and while she is in this state we have no choice but to keep him outside.  Goofy did get a little reward however, in the form of week 2 of puppy school.  The same group of puppies were there as last week, Austin although still small had grown more precocious and was barking viciously at everyone, including Daisy.  Goofy having a bit of a crush on Daisy however stood to her defence.  Mr Fitz was his usual amiable self, and even Romeo the snooty Pomeranian made a little bit more of an effort to socialise.  The main focus of this weeks class was diet, with a bit of walking on a lead and the command drop also being taught.

A better behaved Goofy?

This weekend saw the return of Melbourne's white night, which I have been looking forward to ever since its debut last year.  Barnadi was working as usual so I met up with Cameron in town, Kirsten was also meant to be coming, but due to a few seconds of rain earlier in the day she stood us up.  There were a lot of installations returned from last years event, but also a significant number of new pieces.  I don't know if it was just that the novelty had worn off, or that the crowds were just too big, but the start of the night did not fill me with the same sense of awe and magic as it had done the previous year.  Cameron and I started our night heading up to an event called purple rain at the top of the CBD, but the queues were so long it would have been pointless to even attempt to get in, the same thing happened outside the synchronised swimming.  The walk back down Swanston street was a real struggle and we took a breather down Bourke street where the bank of Melbourne had set up a small seating area for exactly that purpose.  When we finally made it down to Flinders street station we were about ready to give up, but we cut under the station, over a bridge to Southbank and double backed to the Queen Victoria Gardens were a colossal frame supporting a dozen spotlights pointing into the sky stood, it was here that Barnadi called to say he had finished work and arrived in the CBD.  We met him outside the arts centre, but by this time Cameron had had enough and went home.  Barnadi and I stayed out for another couple of hours the crowds had eased a little by this point and so it became much more enjoyable.  We spent some time in Federation square watching the giant dance class in session, sat by a giant pyramid of sand with flickering lights projected onto it and disturbing sounds playing in the background, we even entered a small room with flickering lights and mirrors which gave the illusion that the whole place was shaking.  We then went home happy with a night well spent.
White Night Melbourne

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