Monday, February 17, 2014

Back to School

Goofy being Goofy
Last week Goofy had his first day at Puppy School, a very interesting experience for Goofy.  The 'School' was located at the vet we use in Thomastown, and it must have made a good impression on Goofy as he headed straight over to the class room area when Barnadi took him for his vaccinations this morning.  In the class there were 4 other puppies a grumpy Pomeranian called Romeo, a Spoodle named Daisy, A terrier called Mr Fitz and a tiny golden Labrador called Austin.  As the only girl in the group Daisy was a complete flirt, all Austin wanted to do was sleep, Romeo kept himself to himself and Mr Fitz seemed a very sociable chap.  Goofy at 16.6kg towered over them all and completely dominated all the others at playtime.  As you might expect, puppy school is more for the owners sake than the animals, while Goofy was having the time of his life, we were being taught about everything from toilet training to dealing with unwanted behaviours.  The only command they taught us in the first lesson was sit, which is something Goofy can actually do quite well already, and has done so from a very early age.  The course is for 5 weeks and for only $75 was a bargain.

Poor, poor Jessie
Jessie has unfortunately not been having such a good time of it.  This morning she had a trip to the vet to get spayed.  She is now sitting on the front door mat in her cone of shame, growling at anyone who comes near.  I am not sure which is distressing her more, the pain from the surgery, the indignity of the cone, or just a general mistrust of all human kind.  I doubt she will be as keen to jump into her carry case from now on, or make the journey to the Vet.  It is very distressing to see her like this and I really hope she can learn to forgive us soon, for as much as I want to comfort her there is nothing I can do.

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