Monday, June 3, 2013

In the bleak mid-winter

I have been trying to remember the feelings of excitement and trepidation I had while preparing for our move to Australia over a year and a half ago.  Those days seem so far away now, and it is incredible how quickly the spirit of adventure is quashed by the day to day drudgery of everyday life.  Yet our adventures are far from over, with less than a month to go now until our next big shake up as we move to our new house in Bundoora.  The long 3 month wait until settlement, although useful in allowing us to save up enough money to cover our stamp duty and conveyancing fees, has caused fatigue to set in.  What should be filling me with even more joy is that once we have our own house we can seriously start looking for a pet (or two).  Barnadi has now decided exactly what type of dog he wants, specifically a brown and white collie, I however will be happy with just a cat, any cat.
Yet despite all this I have been having trouble shaking the melancholy that has been overshadowing my life since our last trip back to the UK.

Winter has officially begun in Australia, heralded in by a massive storm that brought a months worth of rain to the state of Victoria within the course of a single night.  Sitting at home with the lights off, listening to the power of the rain crashing down on the tin roof and the thunder rattling the windows, feeling invigorated by the awesome power of nature I realised it was a time for change.  A change of attitude to go with the change in seasons.  Unfortunately such changes are easier said than done.

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