Thursday, September 27, 2012

House Guests

It is not just fish that we are now sharing our house with, our friends Gemma and Dan, whose wedding we went to in May, have arrived in Australia and will be staying with us whilst they are based in Melbourne.  We got up early on Tuesday morning to pick them up from the airport and went for Brunch at a new restaurant in Thornbury called little Henry.  As both Barnadi and I were working that night we left them to explore Northcote by themselves and they seem to have enjoyed their time, finding a few bars along the way.

The next day we took a drive down the Mornington peninsula with the initial intention to stop at Sorrento for fish and chips, but as we were taking the slightly longer and more scenic route following the coastline we were only at Mornington by the time we were ready for some lunch.  It is currently the school holidays and the streets of Mornington were packed with locals and visitors making the most of the good weather.  We wondered up and down Main Street searching for a fish and chip shop, and headed down to the beach to enjoy our purchase, a mixed selection of battered flake, prawns, crabsticks and calamari. 

Mornington Beach

After our big lunch we re-adjusted our goal, to get to Sorrento for coffee and ice cream, so we got back in the car and continued down the road.  On the way Barnadi decided to change the goalposts again, saying he wanted to get the ferry to Queenscliff and so when we got to Sorrento we got a one way ticket on the ferry.  Coffee and ice cream could wait until we arrived in Queenscliff.  The ferry ride was smooth, but it was too windy to spend any length of time outside on the deck.  We arrived in Quenscliff just before 5pm and were disappointed to find all the cafes either closed or closing for the day, so our plans for coffee were scuppered.  We did however find several ice cream shops open for business, so we got something for our trouble.

Ice cream finished it was then my job to make the long drive home via Geelong, with Gemma and Dan taking it in turns to fall asleep in the back, I think their jet lag had not yet worn off.  This is Gemma and Dan's first ever trip to Australia and we have managed to get them to completely circumnavigate port Philip bay before they have even set foot in Melbourne itself.  They are planning to stay in Australia for at least 6 months, but will be moving around a bit in that time so exactly how long they will be staying with us is not yet decided.  They are of course welcome to stay as long as they like.

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