Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fine Food Australia

Barnadi's boss, Sam, got tickets to the Fine Foods Australia Convention, a food festival for people in the hospitality and catering industry. Rather than go himself however he sent Barnadi and myself instead.  The event was held in the exhibition centre in the CBD and was a large hall containing stalls displaying everything from industrial kitchen equipment to food stalls. There was also many cooking demonstrations and competitions ongoing throughout the day.  Most of the food stalls were giving away free samples and we managed to get very full very quickly trying everything.  Even after complaining how stuffed he was Barnadi couldn't help trying something from every stall we passed.

My Favorite Stall: UK food importer

As well as free food samples a lot of stalls had tote bags full of information and free pens, notepads and other miscellaneous bits and pieces.  Once we had our fill of free samples our next quest was to collect as many of the tote bags as possible, as they make good reusable shopping bags.

Gold medalist in the cake decorating competition

We ended up spending a good 3 hours at the exhibition centre before heading home.  Later that night at the restaurant we were chatting with Sam about the exhibition, and somehow we got onto the subject of how Wednesday was always my day off and now he has changed Barnadi's hours so that he can get Wednesdays off too.  This means we will now always have one day a week off together.

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