Wednesday, August 15, 2012

An elephant never forgets

We are being followed around the world by a parade of elephants.  We encountered our first elephant in London in our final week in the UK.  They swiftly followed us to Singapore where we encountered many more of them.  Now they have arrived in Melbourne.

Elephant in London

Elephant in Singapore

Elephant in Melbourne
This form of street art has definitely become a world wide phenomenon, back in Bath we had pigs and then lions, over in Bristol they had gorillas.  Elephants however seem a much more popular animal as this is the 3rd city around the world we have seen them in.

This kind of interactive art display has much appeal, firstly it gives local businesses and artists a chance to get involved with designing their own unique version.  It gives locals and tourists alike a treasure hunt of sorts as they try to spot them all.  It then ends in an auction were every piece is sold in order to raise money for charity.  Despite the lack of novelty I still find myself getting excited every time we find a new elephant in the city.

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