Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Cunning Plan

A wise friend once said to me:

"You've got to have a plan......even if that plan changes"

Words I have taken to heart, and to this day live by, from my constantly updated daily to-do lists right up to the bigger things, such as moving to Australia.  As it turns out, that plan has come together quite successfully.  But don't think that has left me without a plan, currently I have 3:

Plan 1: Buy a Car
Plan 2: Buy a House
Plan 3: Get a Cat

Barnadi's own plans pretty much overlap with mine except he has an additional plan.  Plan 4 being to buy a share in Narai Thai restaurant where he works. Also Barnadi's version of Plan 3 would include a dog and a rabbit and a hen and a quail and...well you get the idea.  But as my wise friend said, plans may have to change and with the property market still booming in Melbourne, house prices are soaring to new highs and Plan 2 might be just out of reach.  Without Plan 2, Plan 3 would never happen. But all is not lost as the wheels of Plan 1 have already been set in motion, and we are booked in for a test drive at the local Holden dealer tomorrow.

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