Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Desperate Housewives

I am beginning to think we should rename our street Wisteria Lane, while I have been at work Barnadi has been busy getting to know the neighbourhood.  So after a busy morning gardening, getting the vegetable patch ready for spring, he joins our next door neighbour Barry for a cup of tea and a gossip.  Now Barry and his wife first moved into his house back in the 1970's  so he has seen a lot of people come and go, including his own wife, who passed away 13 years ago.  Todays little snippet of gossip however focused on a couple who used to live in the house next to us, now occupied by a Chinese family.  The wife who had been having an affair left and the husband, distraught, ended it all with a bullet to the head.

We have been looking after Sam's dog Lucky again, it brings a nice routine to my evenings, coming home from work, stopping for a coffee at Narai Thai to see Barnadi and then take Lucky for a walk around the park behind the house.  As far as getting our own pets go, we have a cat lined up ready to adopt soon, but we are still searching for the right dog.  Barnadi is quite specific in his requirements for a puppy, he specifically wants a brown and white border collie, with as irregular markings as possible.  Meanwhile our existing pets have decreased down to 3 fish, as Stitch the little yellow catfish died quite unexpectedly last weekend.

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