Monday, October 15, 2012

Winds of change

The most common complaint you will hear from Melbournians is the unpredictability of the weather, you can go out in the morning dressed for a beautiful sunny day only to be caught in a torrential downpour by lunchtime.  For those of us who come from the UK, unpredictable weather is nothing new, but it does throw visitors to the city off guard when the common perception of Australia is somewhere hot, sunny and above all dry.  The main cause for this unpredictability is the wind, Melbourne is constantly buffeted by strong winds carrying a vast array of weather systems across the city.

It is not just the weather that is changing, as another big change is about to hit our lives in Australia.  My interview at the Alfred did not go as badly as I had feared.  I did not get offered the renal job for which I applied, the reasoning behind this being my complete lack of hospital experience in Australia, instead I was offered a 6 month temporary contract to allow me to get that experience.  This left me with a bigger dilemma than I had expected, should I leave a permanent but part time job for a full time but temporary one?  After a day of weighing up the pros and cons I decided to do both!  I accepted the job at the Alfred, and agreed to stay working at the pharmacy in Epping at the weekends.

It may be that I am biting off more than I can chew, but I am not yet ready to burn my bridges with the world of community pharmacy, there is after all no guarantee that this six month contract will lead onto anything more permanent.

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