Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A day in Bundoora

View from Mount Cooper
Every day on the way to Narai Thai restaurant we pass Bundoora park, and I have always wanted to explore it.  Today was that day, getting up early (early for us that is) we prepared a quick picnic of freshly rolled sushi and headed off to Bundoora park to see what it had to offer.  The first thing to note was the ample FREE parking so no chance of a parking ticket here.  It was not as big a park as I was expecting but that could be because a large proportion of it is cut off to create a golf course and another section for Cooper's settlement.  The biggest disappointment was however the fact you could never get fully lost in nature at the park as despite its size there was always a road or building nearby.  We climbed up Mount Cooper for our lunch, another erroneously named Mount at only 137 meters at its highest point it makes Mount Dandenong look like Everest.  Still it gave us a nice view of the CBD from between the trees.  Mount Cooper itself is all that is left of an ancient extinct volcanic vent from the Miocene period which last erupted 9.2 million years ago.


After lunch we then climbed back down the hill and continued to explore the rest of the park trying to get some good photos of the wildlife mainly of the avian variety with cockatoos, rosellas and lorikeets taking up the majority of my pictures.  There was no larger mammalian wildlife about, but that could just be because of the time of day we were visiting.  We had explored the park quicker than I was expecting so we then went up to the University Hill shopping centre where Barnadi bought a load of presents for his nephew and niece who he will be visiting in August and a lot of new kitchen stuff for us, including a little blowtorch for making creme brule with.  Even then we were left with a couple of hours to kill before Barnadi had to start work at the restaurant and so we headed home.
Sulphur Crested Cockatoos

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