Wednesday, January 22, 2014


2013 was an emotionally mixed year, but focusing on the positives; we got our own house, I got a perminant contract at work and we got our cat and dog.  As we begin our third year in Melbourne we can honestly say we are well and truly settled.  So what is next for us? After all you've got to have a plan, and the new year is a perfect time to set yourself some new goals.  Barnadi is now obsessed with the idea of owning a second home by the sea, my goals are a little simpler in concept but equally unlikely to achieve before the end of he year.

Resolution 1: Become fluent in Indonesian.
Languages have never been my strongest point, I even struggle with English most of the time.  I have been attempting to learn Indonesian now for years, and have still made very little progress, but as we visit Barnadi's family at least once a year, I feel it is time to make a more concerted effort.

Resolution 2: Write a novel.
As I have previously mentioned, I am disturbed by how my imagination has declined over the years.  Saying this I still have lots of ideas for stories buzzing around my head just waiting to be written.

Resolution 3: Do more housework.
Nothing more to say.

Resolution 4: Start running again.
Since running the Bristol half marathon I have not really maintained any form of exercise.  It is time to change that, having Goofy is bound to help this one.

Resolution 5: Learn to cook again.
Having a great chef as a husband has left me completely incapable of preparing a meal for my self.  This urgently needs to change.